100 word challenge

100 word challenge (2)

Deep in the city 4 were trick or treating, but where going? They trick or treated 100s of house’ but then they got lost!!! They got lost in a alleyway “boo” yelled a man dressed in a zombie costume!!! “ARR” yelled the trick or treated “ha ha ha!” said the zombie “it is Me!” said the zombie “oh dad” said the trick or treaters. They walked on “by” said dad “by” said the trick or treaters. A while later… “Boo”said a man dressed as a zombie, “oh Dad” said the people “I’m not” said the man dresses as a zombie “oh no”

100 Word Challenge …but where were they going?…

It was a dark and gloomy night ,as I was in my warm,cozy bed reading a book and watching the shadows on the walls creep into the darkness of the night .But where were they going? My eyes followed the dark, and black silhouettes as I lay with my fears scaring me. My hands were shaking, my belly was rumbling. Then suddenly… CRASH!!! I froze to death, and hid under my warm ,grey covers.As I fell asleep ,I thought about the shadows following my inner soul.I was scared and frightened as I hid under my blue duvet.

100 Word Challenge – The dragon race!

One sunny, vibrant morning, Dani the awesome dragon woke up from his sleep and went for a stroll, on his way back, he noticed dragon flying contest banner that took place in burning-wood forest. This race was on the next day so he started training. The day had come but when he arrived, he couldn’t see anything but as the smoke cleared, he could see dragons lining up and fire-y dragons burning trees for light. He lined up with the other competitive dragons and they all dashed off. I was in the lead at first but I ended up losing.