Iron Age Gold Found in field.

Gold iron age jewellery has been found in a field in Staffordshire, England. This gold was the earliest example of iron age gold ever discovered, this collection is called the Leekfrith Iron age torcs. This collection is about three bracelets and necklaces, they are also believed to be over 2,500 years old. The two men who found the gold gave it to a museum and said that they will share part of the money with the people whose land they found the gold in.Leekfrith Iron Age Torcs


Algebra is really simple for most people and you usually learn the basics in year 3 and year 2 .But in the years back then or now , the equations would be like this : 3+a=5 , find out the value of a or a + b=12 , find out the value of a and b and find out multiple values that you could have .

These equations are easier than what you may learn in year 5 or 6 . As I am in year 6 , we are learning how to find the value of letters . But instead of the simple way , one question would be :

If x =7 what would z be . I will list questions for this info need .

a)  x + z =  19   x + z = 21 and x + z = 35

b) 3x +z = 49 xx +z =100 and 5x – z = 31

( you can have different values of z for all the questions )have a go at them . Answers are at the bottom .

The section a is as easy as the year 2 and 3 equations .

For working out the value for z in the section b you need to times the number , take away and then you have the value of y . For example :

x=3 find the value of g and the question was 4x +g =20 you would have to do 4 times the value , which is 3 and then work out how much more you need to get to 20 which is 8 and that means 8 is the value of g. This is the same for take away but you just need to find out how far away you are .



 a)   12      14         28
b)28         51        4

homework : Flashier Tortoises

Flashier Tortoises have become in danger after being smuggled have gone to show in the UK for the first time , The ploughshare tortoises were sent to Chester zoo in 2012 after they were inpound by customs officials in Hong Kong in 2009 .its estimated that there could only be over 500 of the creatures left ,making then one of the rarest animals in the world . The only habitat were the ploghshare tortoises live in the wild a remote stretch of sand , rock and bamboo in the north west Madagascar –   has been turned in to a nation park to offer protection . Holidaymakers are being warned not to smuggle live tortoises into Scotland after one was handed over into an rescue centre .

These tortoises have the most amazing shells with golden spots and a black middle here is  a photo.Image result for flashier toutoises

Storm Doris -short news paper report

Last Thursday, there was a very bad storm named:Storm Doris.”It was a catasrophic event !!!” Exclaimed a nearby witness. This hurricane was  quite a big storm that cane from the north up towards England.We asked some wiynesses about what this terribly dangerous hurricane has done to there environment.”It ruined my fence,litrelly it ripped off the whole thing;I had to pay a lot of money to repair it!” “It was terrible;I was scared to get out of my own house!” “It nearly blwe me away!!!”

As you can see these terrible weather conditions have really interupted in people’s peacfull lives, and have made some serious damage.This storm(also known as Storm Doris)was a heavy batch of cold and really strong air that passes by different countries.

Because of this tragic event,one person even died.We interviewed their family and friends and asked how did this storm lead to such a sad event”It was terrible. I couldnt believe that this actually happened!”cried the man’s wife.



Homework News report

                                                                  Unidentified sea creature

A couple of days ago   on the beach of bureau in the Philippines  the towns people were enjoying them selves on the beach in the warm , rocky and sandy waters . Suddenly , upon the seashore came a wail for near . People thought it was the child and they look into the waters . Splash . All that lays was a still shape on the bay .

A few days ago people of the Philippines gathered around what the past has called these and amazing and weird sea creatures of the deep blue sea in the caverns , the sea cow . The proper and for this sea marine creature is unfound but its most scientific name is the stellar sea cow .    Myth tells us that along ago people at the sea creatures . But legend tells us that the because the creatures live really far away in the dark they only come up to shore is there is and earthquake and the need to be safe and that is the only way , getting to shore . This marine animal is 1.6meters (you and get more information off the BBC planets earth website . The sea cow is called stellar sea cow after the person who named and found the first sea cow ,  George stellar . One man said ,”The early history has them grown in size . ” as they can now eat 33 men per month .

My work for the 24th of Febuary

L.c: To distinguish between fact and opinion .

Yesterday was a huge tragedy . After all the grief and tremor , after all the danger and suspicion ,  Lady Macbeth suicide her  self  . Where as she stood falling to thee green grass , were 2000 men were upon the heath with Malcom  and Macduff  . Soon after , they began to fight . Macbeth believe they would be victorious, until he  heard the dreadful words . Macbeth , who dropped his shield in destruct , put his hand in the air and said , ” I surrender ,  kill me for all that i  have done .” And with a splash  , Macbeth’s head toppled to the floor . Macduff’s army celebrated but Macduff said it didn’t change anything that he wanted to .



How To Use Apostrophes

I am going to give you a set of instructions of how to use apostrophes for possession

First you need to look at your sentence what you have been given then you need to understand what you are doing. So I am going to give a sentence what you need to improve it 

Are you ready for it ?

The coat belongs to Jane . How would I put this in a sentence with an apostrophe for possession.

The sentence would be ‘ It is Jane’s coat .’ 

You don’t need to describe it much and it doesn’t need to be all about coats and gloves or something like that all the time ,now I am going to show you where the apostrophe would go if it is something different like some cats or dogs . So now I am going to show you how to do a harder thing .

‘Cat’s are useful because there eyes can glow in the dark’

One other way to use apostrophes is by contractions this is how you do it

‘Did not’ turns into ‘didn’t’ and ‘we’ll’ will turn into ‘we will’

Hope you have enjoyed my blog please comment down below but it has to be nice.


Maths-workings out

You are probably wondering why I am doing a maths post.I will tell you why.Are you ever struggling with place value?Do you ever think that teachers are useless and nobody can help you?Well you are lucky to be reading this!Because in this blog post I will do a step by step guide on how to work out a SATs style question(it’s easier than you think.)

Let’s say that this is our question:

____ x 10 =350.5

Step 1:

Firstly we will concentrate on the first question

If you are totally confused and are struggling with this question and thinking(WHAT IS THIS???)Then use this grid and draw it on your whiteboard or in your book/notebook.

Step 2:

Take the number 350.5 and divide by 10 (you can use this grid above to help you) Once you did that ,you will have the answer to your question.Vouila!!!



Fake News: What is it? How do we find it?

Lots of people like to share their news online but it isn’t always true;
How can we spot it?

We all share news to our friends because it’s either funny or crazy, but is it always true?Around 32% of news is false so when looking at news online that you like, make sure it’s true before telling your friends or sharing it on social medias.

Fake news has been made a lot lately, especially about other people. Medias do it to get views, clicks and even money. This has been a huge problem lately, people like Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Felix Kjellberg and many more people have had many fake articles made about them.

How to spot fake articles?

  • Check if the news has been shared anywhere else.
  • Have you seen or heard it on TV, or even the radio?
  • How crazy does it sound, is it unbelievable?
  • If it doesn’t make sense, it’s probably not true.

There are many other ways to check if it is true but these are the most helpful and easiest.

Think before you share, stay aware.

Braking news: Oscar mix up!!!

Braking news in the Oscar awards the best picture award was given to the wrong film

The best picture award was given to Lal Lal land but that was wrong because the announcers read the wrong thing the real winner was moon light. The actor presenting the award, Warren Beatty, explained that he had been handed the wrong envelop. The Lal Lal land people came up to do there speeches and just then they where told it was wrong.Warren Beatty holds the card for the Best Picture OscarThe award was initially given to La La Land as the wrong envelope had been handed to actor Warren Beatty who was presenting the award! Oops! The award was initially given to La La Land as the wrong envelope had been handed to actor Warren Beatty who was presenting the award! Oops!

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