Is lady Macbeth guiltily or not

Some people argue that lady Macbeth is guilty or not! Some people think that she should go to jail but on the other hand people argue back that she didnt committ the crime so she shouldn’t go to jail!Some people say she should go to jail for the fact she framed the guards with a lot of blood. 

People think  she should not go to jail because it wasn’t her who actually committeds  the crim and Macbeth could of said no to the suggestion.People think she was smart for framing and she is nearly the queen of england.

On the other hand people  think she should go to jail for the fact she was a master mind behind it and that if Macbeth goes to jail she should go to because it his his wife.

This has been happening for a fue years  and there is no end for it. It is unusual for a king or queen to go to jail.they do rule the country so they can disagree to the rule.Also it was Macbeth and his wife who carried out the party and was not seen to there rooms.

Aftergathering all of the valuable infomation we found out that lady Macbeth is not guilty. One of our most valuable information is that it wasn’t lady Macbeth who did the murder it was  Macbeth.Even though she was a mind behind this Macbeth could of  stood up for him self and said a big fat NNOO!!!!

One Comment on “Is lady Macbeth guiltily or not

  1. Rewrite the first sentence so that it makes sense (T31), then change ‘a big fat no’ to something more formal.

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