Mog’s Christmas Eve

January 3rd, 2018

On Christmas Eve, the whole town was coated with white, crunchy snow and in one of these houses, there was a cute cat called Mog. Mr Thompson was dreaming of a brand new bat and Mrs Thompson was dreaming of something else. But Mog was having a nightmare.He suddenly woke up and jumped on the stove and he accidentally turned it on and the turkey burnt. Chestnuts were popping everywhere and it was causing chaos!

Mog got really scared so he jumped on the clock and the clock fell but luckily he didn’t get hurt. But then smoke was going everywhere and it was going towards Mog. He got so frightened so he dashed outside. Somehow, the fire engine arrived and the Thompson family looked very devastated when they looked at the fully burnt house. They got the burnt turkey outside and spread some fire extinguisher all over the turkey. Mog looked very guilty but he actually saved the day. An old lady suggested a medal but they chose egg for Mog. But there was no egg for Mog, there was no Christmas.

Then everyone came and shared Christmas. They helped build the house again so that Christmas wasn’t destroyed. It was very hard work but they managed to do it. Mr and Mrs Thompson got the groceries because everything got burnt. They cleaned everything, shared some food and had Christmas lunch. Mog finally got his egg! Christmas is for sharing.

Mog’s Christmas

January 3rd, 2018

On Christmas eve, everybody was  sleeping and a cat called Mog was having a nightmare. After that, Dad  was dreaming of a new bat . Also mum was dreaming about something else. Then Mog woke up.

After that Mog stepped on the telephone and  the chestnuts were popping like popcorn. Also they were popping everywhere, then Mog ran away .

Then the fire engine came and suddenly  got the turkey out and sprayed  it and said to Mog, “Did you do this?”

Then they looked at the mum and dad then they walked away .

Everything was destroyed and there was no Christmas  for them and then mum started crying.


Afteer thaat evry one serrated togher and they were siting all around the tables and in the end mog gets his eggs















Mogs Christmas

January 3rd, 2018

On Christmas eve, Everyone was dreaming lovely except Mog. Suddenly he  was wagging his tail violently and the lights got caught on his tail.

The oven burnt the turkey and Mog turned to the table and he pulled the table cloth off of the table. He jumped onto the fan and the chestnuts popping and they was cracking. Sudden flash and Mog  jumped onto the clock and it fell down onto the presents.

Everywhere was destroyed including Christmas because everywhere was destroyed and the Christmas tree was burnt everything was black from the smoke because from the oven it blew up and covered all of the house with smoke.

Mog jumped out of the hatch and he landed right out in front of a fire truck and they broke the door down and they got out the turkey and extinguished it to make it not burnt but everyone said “he should get a medal.”

The children said “I think he would  rather an egg, ok?”

Everyone and the neighbor shared their Christmas with them and they brought  food,presents and even a Christmas tree that was massive and was decorated.Then when they were eating turkey and all the people offered Mog the egg!!!!

Mog’s Christmas Calamity

January 3rd, 2018

On the night of Christmas eve the family were all dreaming good dreams but not one, Mog was dreaming a bad nightmare. In his nightmare, Mog started violently flicking his tail, which  knocked the lights, that knocked the Christmas cards all down.


Mog woke up very worried because the oven started to burn the turkey for Christmas dinner . Carefully, Mog went up to the oven and opened it being very brave , because  it was so hot. Mog accidentally turned the stove on. After that, chestnuts started popping everywhere and started causing mayhem.

Mog decided to jump on the clock because of the popping chestnuts. He jumped on the clock so he didn’t get set on fire because of the oven.

A fire set off and the fire engine came and saw Mog  run outside. They put the fire out but the turkey burned and the Christmas dinner was ruined, and because of that the family thought that Christmas was ruined.

Luckily the family’s neighbors came and made their house look  like Christmas again. So they brought paint, a new Christmas tree, and tables . They even brought their own Christmas food and they celebrated Christmas together. Then, finally,  Mog must of thought he got his egg as he didn’t because of the fire.

Mog’s Christmas

January 3rd, 2018

On Christmas eve, the Thomas family were dreaming about their wonderful Christmas morning. But their cat Mog was having a NIGHTMARE about two eagles chasing him. Mog was waging his tail and he hit the Christmas lights.

On Christmas day, Mog lifted up his head and saw black smoke. He jumped on top of the oven and he stretched the the oven door opened …… Lots of black smoke was bellowing out of the oven. Mog accidentally  dialled  999 on the telephone. Then there was popping chestnuts everywhere,  they were popping like popcorn. After  the popping chestnuts, someone spoke on the telephone and it made Mog jump. He jumped on the massive  antique clock….. He jumped on the table and the table had plates,bowls,knifes,forks and  spoons they all fell off the table when Mog jumped on it.

Suddenly, Mog slid on slippery ice and nearly hit the fire truck but the fire fighters saw what was happening……One of the fire fighters brought the turkey and squirted foam on the turkey. The Thomas family looked in sadness and dispare. Carefully, the Thomas’ went into their house and everthing was destroyed. Mrs Thomas was crying because all of her special stuff.

In the distance, there were neighbours coming with  christmas  food,tables and Christmas tree and Christmas lights for their  house. When  they were finished cooking and puting everthing back to normal all of the neighbours and the Thomas family. Finally Mog got his EGG.


Mogs Christmas

January 3rd, 2018

Mog’s family where fast asleep on Christmas eve, and everyone was having good dreams except from Mog . Mog was having nightmares . When he wagged his tail, all the lights knocked the Christmas cards over then that made the round, red ball roll onto the oven handle near the oven nobs turn on the oven. Suddenley Mog knocked all the pans onto the floor. When the oven got turned on, all Mog could smell was turkey.

So far Mog had destroyed all of his family’s house. He leaped onto the table which made the table cloth pull all of the food onto the floor and smasednmost of the plates and bowls. Mischeviously, Mog jumped ontop of the tall antique clock and knocked it over. Mog was knocking everything over.

The Aztecs

January 3rd, 2018

The Aztecs were a wandering ( nomadic) from northern Mexico. They were one of the the last great native Mexican civilizations.


Aztecs lived in a area now today known as Mexico.


The word `Aztecs` means  `someone who comes from Aztlan` . Also referred to themselves as the Mehika or Meshika or Mexica, the origin of the word Mexico.


The Aztecs were famous for their agriculture, cultivating all available land.  They created a form of writing , a complex form of a calendar and famous pyramids and temples.




January 3rd, 2018
  1.  A perimeter is the distance around a shape.
  2. To find out the perimeter you need to add up the length of the sides.



Find the perimeter on the shape on the right

Just add up the length of the sides of  theImage result for triangle with perimeter

shape – try not to miss any.


 11 + 8 = 19 + 13 = 32cm



When doing rectangle you are normally given 2 sides. This is because that the opposite side is always the same length.

12 + 12 = 24     9+9 = 18      18 + 24 = 42 cm

Image result for rectangle perimeter

Snow haiku

January 3rd, 2018




Aztec gods

January 3rd, 2018

The Aztecs brought many many gods and goddesses with them. As farming people, the Aztecs knew the forces of nature and worshiped them as gods. Most important was their sun god, Huitzilopotchli. They also used him as a war god. They believed that their gods should be kept strong to keep away the bad gods. This was done by making human sacrifices.



Through time these gods and goddesses created a sun. They even created a underworld, a place for the dead. The gods created a fifth and final sun. Then there was Xipe – Toltec … one of the farming gods. He was quite gentle compared to all the other gods.