
Fingerprints and Ears

At stay and learn today we were researched fingerprints and seeing why ears are the new finger print. Each persons fingerprints are unique not even identical twins, who share the same dna,have the same fingerprints. This also shows that fingerprints are not completely controlled by genetics. The fingerprints tend to grow back over time. Ears better then fingerprints new study’s the outer ear could be better unique identification mark in human beings then fingerprints. When your born your ears are fully formed.

By Saoirse,Esmè and Scarlett

Science Club

At science club, we investigated whether different types of pineapple would change the jelly. The tinned pineapple did set but the fresh pineapple didn’t set. This is because the tinned pineapple has been a little bit heated, which kills the enzymes.