My weekend.

My weekend was so nice. My sister and I went to her friend Georgia’s birthday party at inflatabounce. I only got to stay a little bit. I went to Costa coffee during the party. On Sunday we had a nature walk.

Wonderful weekend

On Saturday we didn’t do much we went to my favourite cafe for fun.


On Father’s Day, we had MacDonald’s for breakfast and it was delicious and we also went to Homebase for a new mop. We then went to lidl for food and had a traditional dinner.

The end

A happy weekend

On Saturday it was my cousin’s birthday party and he came to stay the day before.  On his birthday, we went to inflatabounce  and for dinner we went to an Asian restaurant. On Sunday, we had a hair cut.

My weekend

My weekend was wonderful.

On Saturday afternoon, I went to the hotel in Totteridge and Weststone where I used to live. Then I went to Kings Cross St Pancras to come home.