My weekend

My weekend was the funest I’ve had in years. My mum went to Cambridge for an appointment at the hospital, but after this, she went to the shops and got us a tent. When I got home, I was quite surprised. The next day, I helped out with building the tent, and then I invited my friends over to the garden we went on the trampoline and had a lay down in the tent.

My Weekend

My weekend

Over the weekend, I was just chilling at home but I remembered I had to go on my iPad and do homework .
When I finished my homework I went to text my next door neighbour to see if she could come out the front and then play with me and my sister.

At the cinema


  • On Sunday, I went to the cinema and saw Michal. I went to see Sing 2, it was a good movie and it had some funny moments in the middle of the story. I got a drink and some popcorn. After the movie, I went home and I had pasta and bacon. In the night I went to the bathroom and I heard my little sister saying some of the funny parts in the movie. The next day I went swimming in the afternoon.