My diary of Tikki Tikki Tembo

Dear Diary,

It was a scary day yesterday.Me and my brother Chang went to the well,while  mother was washing our clothes in the freezing cold stream.

Chang was very clumsy because he was pretending to be a clown on a tight rope but  suddenly Chang fell in…

Feeling worried, I slowly peered into the deep and scary  well.Like a flash, I zoomed to mother.

“Mother, mother, Chang fell into the well!” I shouted.

Mother said ‘”go to the old man”

So I went to the old man and explained that Chang had fallen into the very, very,deep well and so he helped me.With the very last part of my strength I sprinted to the well with the old man and out Chang went.

PHEW! Chang was ok and he wasn’t ill which was so lucky.

A few months later, it was the festival of the eighth moon.We were at the well eating rice cakes but just at that moment I fell…into the dark and scary well! I was claustrophobic and couldn’t move. I was shouting CHANG!But he took so long.

I finally got out the only thing was I was ill for few months.From that day on I was called Tiki Tiki  Tembo.(the only reason I was ill was because no one listened to him shout my king name!).

Written By 11kaitlynm

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