Mog’s Christmas

January 3rd, 2018

On Christmas eve, the Thomas family were dreaming about their wonderful Christmas morning. But their cat Mog was having a NIGHTMARE about two eagles chasing him. Mog was waging his tail and he hit the Christmas lights.

On Christmas day, Mog lifted up his head and saw black smoke. He jumped on top of the oven and he stretched the the oven door opened …… Lots of black smoke was bellowing out of the oven. Mog accidentally  dialled  999 on the telephone. Then there was popping chestnuts everywhere,  they were popping like popcorn. After  the popping chestnuts, someone spoke on the telephone and it made Mog jump. He jumped on the massive  antique clock….. He jumped on the table and the table had plates,bowls,knifes,forks and  spoons they all fell off the table when Mog jumped on it.

Suddenly, Mog slid on slippery ice and nearly hit the fire truck but the fire fighters saw what was happening……One of the fire fighters brought the turkey and squirted foam on the turkey. The Thomas family looked in sadness and dispare. Carefully, the Thomas’ went into their house and everthing was destroyed. Mrs Thomas was crying because all of her special stuff.

In the distance, there were neighbours coming with  christmas  food,tables and Christmas tree and Christmas lights for their  house. When  they were finished cooking and puting everthing back to normal all of the neighbours and the Thomas family. Finally Mog got his EGG.


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