What I did Yesterday in maths

In maths we were rounding 2 digit numbers 3 digit numbers and 4 digit number maybe even 5 digit numbers .We had to round to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 choose to round to the nearest 1000 I finished all the questions.How  we did it is that  if we were rounding to the nearest 1000 is that you look at  the 1000 column if it is more than 5 or 5 it rounds up  and when it is 4 or less it rounds down.Like 1234 would round to 1000 not 2000 because 2 rounds down.



by Ioana


One Comments

  • Mrs Rigby

    5th October 2017

    That’s very interesting Ioana. What do you think you would have to do if you were rounding to the nearest 10,000?


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