My fav stuff

My favourite flower is Violet, my favourite colour is Violet . My favourite food is pizza and chicken. my favourite game is tiktok . My favourite friends are Munazza , Elizabeth Summer Lacey. My favourite dessert is ice cream sundae. My favourite person in my family is all of my family. My favourite teacher is Read More…


On the 15th Thursday November Year three went on a trip to London. First, we got in twos and went on the bus, I played with Lily all the way but three hours later we stopped and got off the bus. We waited until everybody got off the bus and then we walked to the Read More…

my life

Hello my name is Violet and I am going to tell you all about my life,I have three sisters and one brother. I live in a small house. I live with my mum my brother and mum has a friend called Dean he also lives with us . When I am bored I play on Read More…

The music studio

I’m speaking to you, because if you like music, listen . Music is a mix of different instruments to make a nice beat. You can make any music you want – you can make make hip hop and jazz or more. There is no music you can’t make, but don’t make any mean music make Read More…