
Seaside Art

We have started our new topic ‘By The Sea’ by creating art work for our theme folders.

In art last term we learned the different shading skills we could use to create different effects. We learnt hatching which is lots of lines next to each other, cross hatching which is like hatching but you go over the top the other way, circulism where you move your pencil in a circular motion and stippling which is making lots of little dots.

We explored pressing on our pencil differently to make different shades. When we pressed hard we got a dark shade and when we pressed lightly the shade got lighter.

Here are some of our independent sea creatures using our shading skills.

Class 8

Maps of Thetford Forest

Today in Geography we were looking at how to draw a map and use symbols to show the different features of the area we were looking at. We worked in small groups to create a map of Thetford Forest using the key we made earlier in the week.

We all now know how to make and read a key to help us understand a map.

Here are some photos of us drawing in the trees on our map.

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And here are our finished maps!


Next week we are going to be set an independent learning challenge to make our own map of Thetford Forest with a key! Check back next week to see how we do!