Animal Experience

Year one were lucky enough to have an exciting animal experience group in for the morning. Each class took it in turns to see the animals, and we all thought and wrote questions that we would like to ask before we got to see them. When we got in there, the lady showed us a variety of lizards and snakes, such as a milk snake, a bearded dragon and a blue tongued skink. She even had a little meerkat and an African hedgehog! We were then able to hold or touch the animals if we were very gentle. Some of us were brave enough to hold the big snake. What a fantastic day we had!


Cooking again

We loved using our new cooking room so much  last term that we have all been really excited about getting to go in again this term to make something different. We have begun by making healthy pizzas, using pitta breads and lots of vegetables. We have enjoyed being able to pick our own toppings!

World Book Day 2017

We very much enjoyed world book day down in year one. We had the chance to dress up as our favourite characters from Julia Donaldson books and our overall year one winner was a very fabulous Stickman! We spent part of the morning with reading buddies from year four, and spent the afternoon making colour wash pictures with a witch from ‘Room  on the Broom’. It was a great day!





HPS have been lucky enough to get a brand new cooking room here in school. Year one have begun cooking on Friday mornings in small groups. We are all really excited to be trying out the new room! We have begun by making fruit salads, and we will be cooking healthy pizzas in the new term.


Year one were kept busy at the start of spring term by beginning to learn some gymnastics. We had an instructor come in to school and we worked our way through lots of different movements and positions. We learned the tuck shape, dish, front support, back support, straddle and pike. It was lots of fun!

Welcome Back!

Class 4 returned today to HPS after a busy Christmas. During English  we had a discussion about what we did and what we thought our best bits were. We then wrote some sentences about this. 

Autumn homework.

I have been so impressed with the homework projects that class four made last term. There has been birdhouses and bird feeders, beautiful art pictures and natural material sculptures. Thank you for bringing them in to share, and I look forward to seeing anything you make this term!


Miss Ball

Acrostic poems.

This week in English we have been looking at poetry. Tomorrow we will be writing acrostic poems, so we went on a Autumnal senses walk to collect words and phrases for this. Look at some of our drafts!

image5-2 acrostic2


Hello world!

Welcome to HPS Blogs.

You will want to change the look of the blog to create something that more suits your class.

Remember the blogging guidelines:

Only use your first name when commenting or posting to a blog.

  • NEVER write any personal details on a blog (surname, date of birth, email address, phone number, address must be kept private)
  • Parents who leave comments are asked to use their first name only so as not to identify their child. Or post comments as “Bob’s Mum” or “Tanya’s father”.
  • Do not post photos from or links to other websites without permission from your class teacher.
  • All posts and comments will be checked by your class teacher before they are published to the blog.
  • Always show respect towards other people’s work – be positive if you are going comment. Why not say two things you really like about their work and one thing that you wish they would do next time to make it even better.
  • No text talk. Please write in full sentences and use proper punctuation. Your posts and comments need to be the same standard as your books and work would be at school. If you use text talk your post/blog will not be authorised!
  • Make sure you double check your comments carefully for spelling mistakes and ensure that your work makes sense before submitting.
  • Remember to tag every post with your log on name and other tags to identify your post e.g 09harrys, DL Team, Technology
  • Everyone at Huntingdon Primary School will stick to these guidelines.