In the bright torch-lit dining hall all the lords and ladies were having a feast. King Macbeth was enjoying some meat when suddenly, in a wooden empty chair a faint misty image appeared. The ghost-man was covered in crimson red blood and had rich lord’s clothes. Macbeth was ignoring this at first but then he was filled with guilt, he realised the ghost was King Duncan. Repeatedly, he rubbed his eyes, trying to get the figure out of sight, yet the ghostly image did not disappear. Lady Macbeth, who was getting annoyed with Macbeth rubbing his eyes, told all the lords and ladies, Macbeth had a condition so she could stop them from being suspicious of Macbeth. However, that all changed when Macbeth’s colour in his skin disappeared  and he raised a long trembling finger and pointed at the empty chair and whispered in a faint voice, 

He’s there.” many lords and ladies stood away from Macbeth and Lady Macbeth took him away by his robe, however, Macbeth screamed.

Do you not see him? There is a man sitting on that chair!” Lady Macbeth took Macbeth away to their room and she had a furious look in her eyes.

“Are you trying to make people afraid of you?” She yelled, Macbeth shook his head in despair over his wife. He felt guilty about King Duncan and thought how King Duncan was a good friend to him, he hallucinated the dagger the same way as he saw the ghost of King Duncan and he dreamed about if the king was still alive.