The Digestive System

It all begins as the food is raised up carefully into the mouth, whether it be: pinned on a fork; scooped on a spoon or grasped tightly in your hands. The great journey begins here. As the journey, the lips begin to part revealing a wonderland of strong white teeth guarding the mouth. Twenty-eight milk-coloured teeth stand firmly in two neat rows, awaiting the upcoming battle. Some of your teeth are built to tear and slice through the foods. Others are made to crush and munch your food into minuscule pieces. Meanwhile, your tongue works hard to shift the food around your mouth, to get to the right teeth to break it down. Saliva starts to rush into the battle helping to take and break down the. Eventually, your tongue and saliva team up to force the food down your oesophagus. The clump of food violently gets dragged down into the acid pool, while screaming with fear…

The churned food enters the acid filled pool, with a tiny splash that you could barely feel. Then more and slimier mouth-fulls begin to painfully enter your stomach forcing it to cautiously expand. After a while, your food begins to fill you up too much for your liking and you can not bear to eat anymore, your stomach silently roaring in pain. This is also how you can develop stomach aches because you can not hold any more food in your stomach. Interesting fact: did you know that the acid that lays in your stomach is strong enough to melt a whole iron nail. In the meantime, your stomach is battling to the food twisting it and breaking your food down even more into a pool of mushy soup. Fun fact this step can take up to hours for your stomach to digest the food properly.

As if it were a never-ending waterfall of sewer water, the now mushed up food is now begging its long journey. What seems like a never-ending journey begins to start, the pool of mush slowly begins to go in motion as it splashes around uncontrollably. The journey carries on into the small intestine. The small intestine also separates the things that you need in your body and lets the fluids that you don’t need to pass through to your large intestine. The large intestine is thicker than the small intestine however it is shorter than the small intestine. The rest of the liquefied food travels through the large intestine hitting the sides where are tunes. The large intestine [unlike the small intestine] is also very warm to make the remains compatible to be travelled. I think we all know how it ends.

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