Ellis Island welcomes new arrivals

America: the land of prosperity, freedom and opportunity. For the first time in history, Ellis Island opens its doors wide to welcome opportunity filled hopefuls from all over the world. Annie  Moore was the first of these fortunate passengers to begin their own American dream. Annie Moore (and her two brothers) have traveled from, the less fortunate cite of  Cork, Ireland in search of a better, more wealthy life. Ellis Island, which is a small island of the coast of New York, is the new way we can process the wave of new arrivals. Who are these people? Why are they here? Will they change America?

Today, for the first time in history, Ellis Island has begun to process the wave of new migrants coming to America,”I m so glad to be here for a better opportunity”, she exclaimed with a huge smile spread across her face. Although she and her brothers have come to reunite with their family most people have come to try to get away from poverty,”It has been a long and hard journey and I am sure that everyone is just as over the moon as I am, no one  can stop me now!”.Miss  Moore  explained  that as she neared metropolis she noticed the most incredible sight she had ever seen,”I ran up onto  the deck dragging  my brothers along with me, which I know is completely  ridiculous, but I couldn’t hold in my excitement in,” That’s right for the first time ever Annie Moore, a history maker, saw the statue of library for the first time ever.

America: a land of opportunity, and home  to the free, must seriously start to question their ability to sustain peace in our blessed country. Although there are increasingly large amounts of migrants chasing their own American dream,  how are we supposed to trust them to keep our harmony? What about our children; how are they supposed to get jobs if they are all gone. Why are we expected to take them under our wing? Will they be influenced? Will they change America?

Will they change America; I mean it could happen. If you have any concerns join us every day as we discover, interview and report.

2 thoughts on “Ellis Island welcomes new arrivals

  1. I HAVE INCREASED MY KNOWLEDGE AFTER READING THIS BLOG. Hence i am eager to read more and Find out further details inVolving Annie’s journey.

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