For as long as I can remember, I have had this love and passion for singing. I enjoy using this talent because it is probably one of the things I do most often. My talent for singing has always been there, and I do not have training for it. Sometimes, I get embarrassed using my talent when every body is looking at me, which is mainly in singing assembly, but I carry on singing anyway. I think I could improve my talent by practising more and working on stopping my voice cracking. Although I never talk about it, I love drawing. I am not really good at drawing realistic, but I can draw cartoony-like. I think I have been drawing since nursery ( all I drew back then were squiggle and circle handed people) and carried on to draw since then. I think my talents are some of my favourite hobbies. My talents are what makes me, me.

To be honest, I love lots of things, especially Milo and the rest of my family. This is because they are always there for me and make me laugh so much. I feel so proud of Milo when he learns new things, which is nearly all of the time. In my opinion family means everything. I also loves wolves, for some reason, at the moment, I am very interested in them. I am very interested in them because they are very intelligent and fluffy.