This week we have analysed the photo in question: ‘Is it okay to give someone something dangerous, if it could help them one day?’ The king gifted two twins a dragon on their fifth birthday knowing they will need it one day when they rule the kingdom.

Even though a dragon is dangerous, you need to take a risk. A dragon can be trained and if you have a dragon for years, it will get used to you and help you in the near future. You never know; one day you could need a sidekick and it is bound to keep you safe (if you treat it correctly.)

Another reason for my decision is that dragons are really helpful if you treat them in the way they like. Also, if you let them free, but not in a cage, the dragons will like it. Just like any other animals, dragons can listen and get used to you if you have a dragon for a long time.

I realise there can be a lot of disagreements on the question, is it okay to give someone something dangerous, if it could help them one day. There may be many reasons for either side of the argument but my belief and saying is, take a risk in life.

A well-written discussion text Baker where you have considered the question carefully. I particularly love your conclusion paragraph! It is strong and written in a way that will definitely hook your reader! You have experimented with powerful vocabulary choices and Y6 sentence types. Well done!