my talents

Although I normally keep my talents to myself, I do have a few. I do not always feel comfortable talking about my talents, as I do not want to sound arrogant. One of my talents is dancing ; I started at 18 months and continued ever since, I go to dance classes in St. Ives and do shows with my class in Conberton. Dancing helps me express myself and keep calm. Dance means a lot to me and I wouldn’t be me without it. When I do dance shows I am always nervous, however when I am on stage dancing I love it. Dancing helps me make friends out of school too. Dance can be hard, but I push through, because I know its what I love and want to do. Another talent I think I have is singing, I love to sing and my friends say I am good. I don’t go to singing lessons, but I do love to sing. Singing helps me express myself, and explore my personality ; my mom told me singing is something I have always loved to do. I like to listen / sing a wide variety of brilliant songs. Another talent I have is running, I love to run and when I put myself to it i can be quite fast. I first became interested in running at school, and sports day is my favourite day because of the race at the end. Me and my dad do go on runs occasionally, but I must say I am better at sprinting than jogging. When I go to secondary I would like to improve my running, so I can become even better. Another talent I have is making videos ; i do them in my room and use my phone. I use an app called inshot to edit my videos and make them more interesting. I send my videos to my family and they always come back sending laughing emoji’s and saying that made me laugh. I put a lot of effort into my videos because I enjoy them, and I like to make others laugh. The last talent I think I have is creative writing. I first realised I was good during the 500 word challenge. I really like to write short stories because, I can make up fun characters and use my imagination. I think I get me creative writing from my mom ( she is quite creative to ). When I write my stories I like to make a character a bit like me, as when I read the book back it helps me feel like I am actually in the book.

my loves and passions.

I have a lot of things that make me happy, calm, and laugh. My family are very important to me ; they make me laugh all the time. Whenever is see my family I am full of joy, because they come up to me, hug me and, make me smile. I can always count on them to make me calm, or make me laugh. Some of my family live about 1 – 2 hours away so I cant see them so often, but when I do see them I have so much fun, and we do all sorts of fun and crazy things together. If I am completely honest, without my family I would be lost, I just wouldn’t be myself. Another group of people that I can always ( and I mean always ) count on to make me calm, or joyful, even in the worst of times, are my friends. Whenever I am upset, or sad, or even just not feeling myself, they always seem to know a way to cheer me up. I can count on my friends 24 – 7, and they are like family to me. My friends mean a whole lot to me, and they are honestly some of the nicest, caring people I have ever met. Without my friends I would be again lost, but more or less miserable, and upset. One of things I can rely on to make me joyful is my cat, he is just so fluffy and cute and well crazy, its like he can understand English! If I’m feeling a bit upset, or just need a hug, he is always there for me. Just the second I feel upset or down, he arrives, and I don’t feel that way anymore. Also I can rely on him to distract me, if I am worrying about something again he walks in the room and snuggles at my feet, or he will nock his toys to me and I can play with him. Without him I would be lost, unhappy and upset all the time.

My hopes, dreams and aspirations

For the future, I have many hopes, dreams, and goals, and one of them is to learn to play the keyboard. I am not too sure why I want to learn to play the keyboard, maybe it is because I like the music that comes from it, honestly, I’m not too sure. I would also like to eventually have my own keyboard. Another thing I would like to do in the future is to learn to drive. I want to learn to drive because I want to be able to get to places far away without taking a bus, or a taxi. Another reason I want to learn to drive is that I want to be able to offer to take my friends, or family out, rather than ask me. I think the final reason I want to learn to drive is that I don’t want to rely on others to take me out, by this I mean, I don’t want to have to rely on a certain person, or group of people to take me out, I want to take others out and be independent. The final main thing is an aspiration, I want to become a hairdresser when I am older. I know this is what I want to do because I love to do my doll’s hair and other people’s hair. When I do hairstyles I like to look at photos for inspiration, or sometimes just make one up. When the hairstyles I do don’t turn out as I imagined, I just try, try, and try again: practice makes perfect. It might be a hard route becoming a hairdresser but I am willing to try no matter what because it’s my passion. A little hope/dream I have is to have my own house: If I had my own house at the moment it would definitely have a black and white theme. I do like a black and white themed house… This next little hope/dream is a normal-sized one. One day I would like to go to Canada, although it is a long plane trip away I want to do it. I’m not sure why but I definitely want to ( maybe it is because I want to visit my family there. ). Those were all my hopes, dreams, goals, and aspirations for the future, well at least for now.