DIY’not? Speech

Hero’s of history are those we remember for their sacrifices. Hero’s of war who laid down their lives for the future generations freedom. The heroes of medicine who conducted scientific research for our medical treatment and safety, cured millions. In 2020, we have all had a chance to stop the corona virus and be a hero. So ,what have you done to stop this spreading, struggle. What will you tell your gran-children when they ask what you where doing during this disease, disaster? You will most likely tell them that you were at home watching TV similar millions of others around the uk (if your being honest) which is  not a bad thing ,because as much as you think your being lazy your actually doing the hardest job of all .Your staying at home and not seeing your family. Anyway, back to the watching tv part, did you know that 80% of people get uncomfortable after a long period of time watching TV and this could be a big obstacle since their is nothing to do apart from watching TV I mean what will you do read a book , pfft as If but what happens when you can’t take it any more: when the comfortable spot is all worn out ; when watching TV is not the same ; then you know that you need the DIY’not? pillow.

DIY’not? is planing to provide a solution for all the discomfort that every one over the uk is experiencing, and let us not forget that a staggering 80% of people complained of  likely suffering with aches and soreness from time spent with the family favourite: The sofa.Some people are risking their lives to help stop the current disaster; others are watching TV all day, but what happens when the sofa stops being so  comfortable?well our product is here  to help! Because the more your glutinous maximums screams out in agony the more you know that you need a Change ,you need the DIY’not? Pillow which is not only stylish but also sportive, it will allow you to dive into a pool of luxury in your own home. This pillow is not only soft and supportive but also has high quality fabric and self plush soft Cotten which will help you get through the darkest of plot twist.

Now , there is only one question, are you ready ? Imagine that we upgraded our pillow and by the minute they started or get bigger better and more beautiful , well you can stop imagining because once we make more profit we will begin to make our pillows not only be bright and colourful but also will have fun and brilliant patterns and you will have a option I’d you want pom-poms, buttons exetra . But theres now only one thing standing in our way or maybe not standing in our way. Customers. Yes we need you to help us archive this pillow heaven that I described moments ago so go buy one of our pillows because you won’t only be doings no us a favour you will be doing your self a favour. Something worth mentioning is that if you find a button in your pack full of the supply’s you need to make your own pillow than you will receive a FREE! pillow(only for a limited Tim of course).But If you are not feeling crafty you can buy a ready made pillow which means less work and more naps/TV.

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