“Is it okay to gift someone something dangerous, if it could help them one day?”

I have seen a picture telling me that a king gave his children, on their fifth birthday, a pet dragon. Even though the king thought that the dragon is a dangerous pet to take care of, he knew it could be a powerful ally. This leads me to the discuss about the question “Is it okay to gift someone something dangerous, if it could help them one day?”.

I am on the fence with this question because a dragon is a wild animal! Badly, they could lose control of the dragon and it can cause destruction on the kingdom. Also, it is not a domestic animal so, its not meant to be kept at homes. The dragon has untamed powers so it can hurt and kill people! Comparing a sword to a dragon, is it okay to give a sword to the children?

When looking at the good side of the question, the dragon can be: powerful, huge and strong. So, this animal can defend the kingdom from raiders. That’s why a dragon could also be a good gift because it can protect the twins now and in the future. `I just think that is important the children be friendly to the dragon to keep it happy, under control and tamed!

These are my reasons why you should or should not gift a pet dragon to children. A dragon could be a good ally in battles but it can also cause destruction! So, its difficult for me to choose a side in this argument. Regarding this, I would like to know – what is your opinion?

2 thoughts on ““Is it okay to gift someone something dangerous, if it could help them one day?”

  1. Well done Ruben! You have presented some clear points on both sides of this argument and clearly considered both views. You have also made good use of sentence starters and using quality language choices in parts.

    A next step could be to now consider extending your two arguments to make them more in-depth

    Well done!.

  2. Very impressive sentence starters and examples Ruben. It was nice reading one of your imaginative stories again.

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