The ‘I’m bored!’ App

Bored, isolated and restless-Is this the position you want to be in now? All around the globe, adults and children are in this position, willing to do anything, even break the lockdown guidelines to have some fun. Some people will even sneak out, when possible, to have a party. People are taking on self-isolation, but it’s taking a mental toll in them. People losing faith in the world, due to the hollowness of boredom, and loss of learning (for school children). School is something that cannot be replaced in a perfect way, you are there to learn. People have tried to re-create learning through computers, but children would always mess around. My name is Zackarie Castillo, and I have a solution to that, the ‘I’m Bored!’ app. This app is designed in a way to keep children wanting more facts, filling their heads with questions to google, and facts that would make them want more. This means children would want to learn more, and eventually know facts that may help them in their, or maybe your own future lives.

The “I’m Bored!” app was designed to fit the apps children enjoy. We plan to add gimmicks  that those apps have to make children to like them, like the choice of what genre of facts or questions, or even looking for facts specifically for you. This app is also able to accept facts from users of the app, as long as it’s not anything inappropriate. If this app gets the dragons to accept, then we will be able to add accounts, and maybe even a like and following system so users of the apps will get the kind of facts that they want quicker and easier than just searching it up. For example, if there is a person that posts facts and questions that you like consistently, then you can subscribe or follow them (we haven’t decided on a definitive word for it) so you will be given more of their content more often than others. If you follow more than one person, then you’ll get a mix of those people’s content. We aim to spread the “I’m Bored!” app to: Samsung phones, Google phones and more. This app is going to be free, with no in-app purchases

How is it different from other apps like this?

This app differs from other apps that give out random facts in ways that better suits you and our modern generation. Instead of one fact per day (like others like this) the “I’m Bored!” app gives you an infinite range of facts, and even questions that almost encourage you to go search up the answer to it. It differs in a way that makes it more like a social media platform, that matches YouTube, because we are going to add users and ways to subscribe and post facts and questions on this app, or a platform that gives you short, or multiple things to enjoy, like Vine.

Why did you pick those two apps?

I chose Vine and YouTube as examples because of their large popularity with children. Right now, the rest of my team are working out what made Vine so popular, before it went down, and which part of YouTube children seek out/watch. When we get the research done, we will make immediate changes in the app, so there will be elements of both apps that make children stay.


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