Ansel Adams by kenzie

Photography, has not always been considered an art form, but thanks to Ansel Adams this was changed. This appreicated American photographer was born on the 20th February 1902, and over the course of his life took many photos of the American country. All of his pictures were landscapes, as he wanted to show the beauty of nature. Ansel Adams belived that colour was a distraction from the main focus, so all of his photos are in monhacrome ( which means black and white). He took pictures of such locations as: The Grand Canyon, Yosemite National park and other things.

One picture he took was of Canyon de Chelly National Monument in Arizona, in the year 1942. In this image, I can see a deep Canyon that has been carved by a river hundreds, of  thousands of years ago. Standing proudly in the center of the image is a large, sheer-faced rock, that Adams makes you focus on by planing in directly in the center of the midground. The image clearly shows the lumpy and rough texture of the rock face.

Monolith, the face of half dome (1927) shows a colossal cliff in the midground that forces the viewer to focus on the half Dome. Though the photograph has clear, bright snow in the foreground, the viewer s eye is drawn to the solid, bumpy, moon like face of the Monolith. The mountainous Monolith (which is a large, single upright block of stone) takes up more than half ( approxametly two thirds) of the image. Snow covered mountain peaks are lit up by the suns rays, as much of the Monolith is hidden by shadows. I think that Adams wanted to draw attention to the size of the Monolith.

I think Ansel Adams made the two pictures that I chose are the same because the main part to look at is in the midground. Although I like the images he has made, I do think that perhaps it would be good to sometimes use colour. I think this because after a while, people will want to see something new and different. Even though many would consider them art.

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