Classification (What is it?)

What is Classification?

Classification is when you group certain objects or animals into one group.But Classification is mainly sorting all of the animals into the twelve groups.

In the year of  1735, the Swedish Scientist Carl Linnaeus first published a system for classifying all living things.Although he died, because of his great idea the system still exists and is named after him. The  Linnaeus System.

Other living things can be classified by the eight levels.The number of living things in each level gets smaller until the one and last animal is left within the species level it has.

Examples of those eight groups are:

Classification is also known for sorting living organisms into groups, as I said, and mainly about their characteristics.Each one of the groups allow scientists to observe and understand each Characteristics of the living things more clearly to develop better ideas for the future.What scientists do with grouping the organisms is that the similar characteristics are grouped together, but then will be split and will be repeating again and again based on their differences.

How are living things classified? (groups)



All mammals have lungs and are warm-blooded.Mammals can live on land or water.Most mammals give birth to living babies, but there a few mammals that lay eggs.


Invertebrates have an exoskeleton which means they have no vertebrates but have a shell which can protect them at all costs.They also have many legs and an antenna which is their eyes.Examples such as crabs or shrimps.


Invertebrate with spiny skin.Examples on those sort of animals are starfish and sea urchin.


Invertebrate with six legs and can generate one or even more such as two pairs of wings.Although some insects have different colours, it’s easy to identify them by the wings and legs.Examples such as bees or butterflies.


Invertebrates with many legs and also have a pack of a lot of body segments.The identifiable animal of a myriapod such as a centipede.


Invertebrates are animals with eight joined legs.Usually the front legs in an Arachnid are very sensory to feel what they are touching.Examples such as a spider etc.

More information about Carl Linnaeus. 

Carolus Linnaeus (or Carl von Linné) was born on May 23 1707, and died on January 10 1778. He was a Swedish scientist who laid the foundations for the modern scheme of taxonomy.He had a wife named Sara Elisabeth Moræa (The year they married and when divorced/death: 1739–1778)

He was also a Swedish naturalist and explorer who was the first to frame principles for defining natural genera and species of organisms and to create a uniform system for naming them.He also had 8 children and his education was in 3 different universities.


An informative blog on classification. Well done, Kacper.

Written By 16kacper

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