


Humanity damaging,

Stop cutting forests.





Dying- disappearing,








Helpful, vital,

Trees illegal logging,

Horrifying and shocking,

Stop it,



Decreasing oxygen levels,

Executing trees like humans,

Forests swaying like children in a chorus,

Oxygen being travelled like a river rushing,

Rivers running across the forest,

Energy travels like an animal sprinting,

Stop deforestation it hurts everyone,

Terrific animals race through the forest,

Animals trapped in-between the forests maze,

The lungs of the planet,

Important to all,

Only found in certain locations,

Negative impact on the planet without them.


Very well done, Marcel. I particularly love your use of imagery and you have sheon you can follow the rules of all 4 of these poem types very well. 



Forests are becoming nothing,

Oxygen is fading,

Riding cars taking parts of trees,

England’s Forests at fate,

Souls of trees leaving them,

Trees becoming fired up.


A good acrostic poem, well done using the imagery today.


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