24 Feb 2019

Is lady Macbeth innocent or guilty of taking part in king Duncan’s murder ?

Author: 13SarahZ | Filed under: Uncategorised

The argument has been going on for centuries but what has happened is unknown , there is a story about it , it goes like this…   Macbeth was a hero and became thane of Cawdor after three witches told him he would be king . So lady macbeth persuaded Macbeth to kill Duncan and become king . After Macbeth became king he sent his servants to kill other inoccent survivors , soon Macduff , also a thane ,killed Macbeth because he figured out the truth about the Macbeth’s …

Some people think Lady Macbeth is inoccent because she didn’t commit the murder , it was Macbeth and she didn’t let her servants kill others , did she ? Athough that is true, lady Macbeth did persuade Macbeth to do it and she framed the guards …

Others think that lady Macbeth is guilty because she  planned everything , she knocked out the guards and she tricked Macbeth . They also think that lady Macbeth was really mad so macbeth huliscinated while killing Duncan.

Others said that Macbeth is guilty because he did actually committ the murder  not lady Macbeth , he made his servants kill others and he agreed to it .they also think that he may have killed Lady Macbeth , he also may have wanted her to feel some guilt so freaked out in front of guests …

After considering all the evidence ,we came to a final decision , lady Macbeth is … INNOCENT!! A reason for this is that Macbeth actually committ the murder, not lady Macbeth. Although this evidence tells a story , there is different evidence that leads to a different story , in fact it is my opinion ! My opinion is that she is guilty because she planned it , she persuaded Macbeth and She framed the guards.

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One Response to “Is lady Macbeth innocent or guilty of taking part in king Duncan’s murder ?”

  1. lspenceley Says:

    Read through and add capital letters clearly please (T31)

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