Windrush Poem



Today is the day walking good waking good

Life is going to be great in this new country.

Goodbye mango mornings goodbye friends.



Trying best not to cry goodbye goodbye

Windrush child heading to the boat.

I was just squashed like a tin a beans

Smelling all the disgusting salt water.


And the sea cat came up to me and

Wanted me to pet it so I did but it ran

Away because there was a mouse.


Toughing all the soft coats people shouting

And people still missing each and other family

The bed  is like they just but a lot of rocks  in a bag

Crushing my bones up it will not get worse .


Morning breakfast was just a breakfast bar

Still trying to get over grandma her beautiful

Brown eyes glowed. up most sad thing my dog kept

Ponding of tears I will be back for you dogo.


The sweat honey in my dry moth one salty ter

Fell down from my moms face on to my head

Saying there there to my mom and dad .


I softly said in two my head no turning back now

Written By 14fjordh

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