My trip to London

On the half term I had a lot of fun but going to hillsong church and visiting Wembley stadium was a blast!

On Sunday I was just getting ready to go to London when I went downstairs I got my breakfast ๐Ÿฅžย took a shower ๐Ÿšฟย got ready and we were of to the train station.When we got there I immediately jumped out of the car and rushed the train station.After we got are tickets we waited quietly for the train

While we were on the train I asked my parents for my notebook (I can not go anywhere without my notebook)then I started to draw.

When we got there first we did what we always do my parents would get me a strawberry smoothie at a juice bar called boost there smoothies are delicious ๐Ÿ˜‹.

After that we went to church when we got to church when they started singing you could literally feel your heart dancing and we did a little bit of praying and a few stories.also we were there for like one hour

After that we had a nice lunch at a steak house and that food was delicious.after that we went to the station to go to Wembley Park we did a little shopping ๐Ÿ›ย and when it was time to go we went past Wembley stadium.when we were going to the train station we saw a giant crowd for that reason we were going home the same time the rugby ๐Ÿ‰ย game ended and are train was packed with fans but at the end we returned safely back home.

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