Huntingdon primary school golden time

To get all your golden time you have to be good.

Golden time is when you get to have lots of fun.

In golden time you can draw,you can play on the iPads and you can play football.


I love yr4 but my favourite part is Meerbat our class mascot. He’s fluffy,cute,bat manny ( bat man ). Someone takes him home every weekend. So far Patrick , Nadia , Matilda , Pheobe have taken him home and somebody else today but it won’t be me because I’m poorly. Maybe I will get him next week.

Stem week by Kenzie

A few weeks ago Huntingdon Primary Schoolr had a week called Stem Week.

We made an irrigation system, we had a bottle and we poked a pin in the bottle. After that we cut off the bottom bit of the bottom of the bottle then we dug a hole in the ground then buried the bottle. Finally we filled the bottle with water. We also did Maths.

The S in stem week means Science . The T in stem week means Technology .The E in stem week means Engineering. The M in stem week means Maths.



Meerbat is a class  Mascot.He comes home with us on Fridays. I think I am going to get Meerbat because my big write was amazing and when my teacher was talking to my mum at the end of the day I put the pens and paper away. My teacher was so happy with me. The End from Elsie.

My school Year so far!

I have had a great start to the year! I have loved going outside making irrigation systems or cooking inside! I have won a star of the week already. I am really proud of this as I don’t get it until late in the year most of the time, in year 1 I did not even win once! I have enjoyed having a new learning space and it’s cool to have a class mascot and I suggested the name! I have loved meeting new people along the way and seeing my friends from year 3! By Daniel.

Guidance to Mine Craft by Kenzie

Mine craft is a game that you can build your own city.

You can see animals like cows and pigs.

Also you can get bow and arrows and diamond swords.

You can get characters like Alex and Steve.

TnT is a block that can explode creepers.

Creepers are green things that can kill you if you kill creepers you can collect things.

If you explode the ground you can collect blocks.

In Mine Craft you have lives.

You can build anything you want.

There is mine craft books.

There is Xbox games of Mine Craft.

There is a game called Mine Craft story mode.

In mine craft story mode there is a blue night Steve.

The pig is pink , the cow is brown and the horse is brown.

That’s guidance to wonderful mine craft.


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