My story

Hungrily, Nicky snacked on her last half of her sandwich. On the outside of her sandwich, was a worm, she looked around and there was trails of worms. Nicky and Kiki slowly started walking further and could now see the light from about two point three miles away.

As soon as Nicky and Kiki walked the two point miles they could see the beautiful light of day . Suddenly Nicky quickly ran up to the palm trees and drunk a coconut . They could hear a thump coming towards them , it was the beach queen ! The dress was green and the shoes were orange . But Nicky and Kiki had to get back home.

Once they had seen the queen they had a conversation , it was lovely , they talked about life, how people were nice. After that, Nicky and Kiki had to go home , which way is home ? Said Nicky I don’t know replied the beach queen . Nicky and Kiki was stranded , luckily the queen was handy so she got some bamboo and tough leaves and made a boat.

As nicky and Kiki walked across the beach she could see a box , but it looked like a safe . Nicky tried to open it for hours and the password was zero zero zero zero . She looked inside the box and it was a key ! While Kiki was sniffing the tall green grass on the way she found a secret door that led to somewhere…….

The secret door led to puppy land . Obviously Kiki was excited to go meet some new friends, she hadn’t seen them since she got stuck in the tunnel. A few minutes after discovering the land ,they bumped into a puppy named diamond . Diamond told Kiki she had a power but they didn’t know wan at it was.

Diamond , Nicky and Kiki tried lots of power posibilaties but they couldn’t find kikis. Kiki felt a tap on her back and it was the beach queen ! But why was she here. Queen explains that Nicky was in danger , she said when the moon tonight rises up she will be there forever so she got a room and were there forvever