Captain Tom Moore

Did you know that Captain Tom was born in 1920 and he served in India. Captain Tom originally aimed to raise 1000 pounds but he instead got 28 million pounds which is a lot. He was from a country called Keighley in the west of Yorkshire.When it was his 100 birthday he tried to do 100 laps around his garden for a charity called the Nhs which stands for the National health service which is some kind of hospital.He has risen from nowhere to become a hero for many countries. As it was his 100 birthday he had some tasty cake and the Queen gave him a present which was special and ordinary. Tom is British and he is a British army officer which is crazy. He joined the British army in 1939 and left in 1946 which is 7 years.

Talent, Aspiration and Love


The talent that suits me best is playing the violin, arguably the only talent I possess. At the small age of four was when I began and although it was difficult in the beginning, I managed to adapt and overcome the challenges associated with musical instruments, in order to get where I am today.


I love eating ice cream, especially in the summer where it helps me to cool down from the high temperatures we sometimes experience here in Cambridgeshire. But nothing can come close to the love of my family, even they are sometimes tough on me, I understand that it will make me a better person and I wouldn’t be who I am today without them.


In the future I aspire to get a degree because I want to make my family proud and live a nice lifestyle. Being a chef is a potential career for me, enabling me to cook for my family when needed (and myself of course!), while also providing a stable income as the catering industry will always be in demand, I will not have any trouble in finding a job.

Andy Goldsworthy

Background information

Back in Cheshire in 1956 a British artist was born he was called Andy Goldsworthy. Did you know that he studied fine art at Bradford. Happily he was given a OBE. When he was 13 he got a job on a medium sized farm. He lives in Dumfries and Scotland. Andy Goldsworthy also lives in Galloway. Two films have been made about him. He was born on 25 July. His life is called rivers and tides and leaning into the wind.

Rock balancing

When he was older he made rock balancing popular. Surprisingly he also works with photography and he also described his work as working with nature as a whole. Some sculptures are made up of flowers ,twigs, mud, snow and icicles. He cuts different shapes of slate.


He often takes photos of his work to see the change over time. Most of his sculptures are very complex. For example knot weed stalks. Most sculptures can last minutes, some last a while.

Andy Goldsworthy other information

He continues to travel the world building on site sculptures. He was a nature based worker and he was known for his work in sculptures.