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Punishment for crime in Roman times

the Roman punishments were very harsh for example theft they would sentence you to death immediately but later the romans became less harsh but only a tiny bit. If you killed,stole,selling rotten food you would have to pay a fine (debt) if the person couldn’t pay they would be sentenced to death. How they would decide if you were innocent or guilty they would put you in court to decide if you were guilty or innocent and if you were guilty they would kill you instantly.


The Anglo Saxons were the second people to rule but there punishments weren’t better because if you committed a crime, and they couldn’t decide they would rely on god because they were very religious for the punishments they would earthier put your hand in boiling water  to return a rock and wait 3 days if you didn’t get burned they would think your innocent. Or maybe for another punish they would make you walk on Hot coal. While it was impossible to not get burned but if you didn’t get burned then you were innocent but you got burned they assumed you were guilty. You would be killed instantly


The Tudors were very serious with their punishments because for example treason they would cut your stomach open the rip off your limbs and sent them to different countries to show that you should never commit treason to your king. Many have been killed because of treason but it was a fair reason because king Henry the 8th was known for terrible things for example sometimes he would kill his wives because they disobeyed him bet after a long time one off his girl friends outlived him but They believed his wife was a witch for outliving king Henry the 8th so they use the ducking stool too execute her.

Victorian punishments and how it was like

After the Tudor times people called them selves Victorians because off Queen Victoria. but there punishments were sadly used on a lot off people because once again people were poor and homeless so people had to steal for their survival and people were not having it so they would bring them to court so the judge can decide and people would rarely lie and if they were found guilty they would  be executed but if you admitted them you would be punished but not killed you would earthier be sent to Australia to rotting boat that was never cleaned or you would be sentenced to death.


In the war many people would commit theft because during the war many buildings and houses got crushed down so that caused many people to be homeless. So people that were homeless took advantage to have the chance to commit theft and when they were caught they would have to pay a fine or shot sentence to prison for example a day or two weeks so I have to say something they’re punishments weren’t that harsh because of the 1 day to 2 weeks in jail isn’t that harsh must people that stole stuff were mostly woman.





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