How are mountain are formed?

How are mountains are formed?

Mountains are formed when a layer of Earth’s crust is pushed (forced) up in big folders or blocks slowly over the course of million of years, mountains are formed.However they are not all the same, there are many types of Mountains, which are fold. Block, dome and volcanic.


Block mountains


when a slab of land breaks off ,block mountains begin to form and they were forced up as two of Earth’s tectonic plates push together. Also, as two of Earth tectonic plates move, a big slap of land breaks off.

Dome mountain 

When liquid rock inside the Earth forces the ground above it upward. The molten rock does not erupt through the crust like a volcano. Molten rock from within the Earth push up, making a dome shapes.

Fold mountain 

Fold mountains are the most common type of mountain. The tectonic plates push forward slowly over the years, making more and more folds. Layers of sediment gather over course of  thousand of years.

A brilliant information page on mountains and how they are formed. Great use of subheadings and pictures. 

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