Mountains 🗻

How are mountains made?

Mountains are formed by the earths’ plates pushing together for millions of years to make a mountain. However , there are different types of mountains ,one  type is called a fold mountain, which is formed by the earths land  folding on top of each other  to create a mountain.  There are also more mountain types of one being a block Mountain caused by when a slab of line breaks of the Earth and is pushed together by tectonic plates and pulled apart.

block mountain fold mountain dome mountain plateaus

Block mountains

Block mountains are formed by a slab of land separating from the earth being forced up.Two of the earths tectonic plates being forced together and pulled apart create a rock then a small mountain a very big one.

Fold mountains

Fold Mountain are caused by the ground lapping over each over creating a fold.They can also come in many shapes and sizes -they also take over 2 million years to form-. An example of this is the Himalayas and the alps-another example is the photo down below-.

Lola, you have begun to provide information on mountain formations.  Be clear in your ideas and provide details  and examples to describe the type of mountains you are writing about.  VF:  punctuation for clauses and capital letters. 


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