Crime and punishment in the history of Britain.

Monday 17th January,2022

Lc: To use different sentence structures depending on the formality of the writing.


Have you ever thought about crime and punishment in the years? Well today I will be explaining the changes throughout the years. In this piece of writing you will see the crimes committed. There will be lots of diverse periods such as, Roman times, Anglo Saxon times, Tudor times, Victorian times and Word war 2 times. Some were brutal and some were a bit less. We will begin in the 500bc.

Crime and punishment in the Roman time period.

During the 500bc till the 400bc the Roman Empire ruled half the word. Rome became over-crowded this caused criminals to get away in the crowds. Murder and theft became very common. comon. Due to the amount of crimes, the romans decided to pick out some vigiles. Vigiles were very important as they put out fires, saved people and stopped crimes. There were about 7000 people in the team (only men). The crimes were always dealt with -unless you got away-. The punishments gwere  ?? based on your status someone that was rich would have a smaller retribution  than others. Theft was the most common crime was theft as people were poor to the amount of people. The most common punishments were monetary fines and whipping. Murder, on the other hand, was dealt with seriously. The punishment was being thrown off a cliff, buried alive or being thrown into a river. However the worst punishment was used for Treason the punishment was crucifixion. Let’s move onto the 410AD.

Crime and punishment in the Anglo Saxon time period.

Beginning in the 410AD, the Anglo Saxons took over and ruled Britain. During this time period, they lived in villages and hamlets. Every village had crimes that have been committed. The most common crime was still theft, the Anglo Saxons added leaders to each village. If there was any trouble caused the leader would deal with it. Crimes such as theft was a fine or a whipping. For treason or murder the punishment would be death penalty. However, if they could not decide if you were guilty they would perform trial by ordeal. Trial by ordeal was decided by “god”. You would be made to put your hand in boiling water or step on burning coals. They would give it three days if it was magically healed you would be found innocent. Now let’s talk about the 1066AD.

Crime and punishment in the Tudor time period.

Beginning in the 1066AD, when the tudors took over they dealt with crimes seriously. The most common crimes were still stealing. However, the people who the criminal was stealing from was expected to catch and bring the criminal to court. The punishment was whipping. Even the most smallest crimes had punishments. When gossiped you would have a scolds bridle on your face. The tool stopped you from talking and inserted spikes into your tounge tounhge. Witchcraft also has a punishment. The dunking stool would be used, if you died you were innocent if you floated you would be burnt to stake. If you committed treason you would be on the rack (stretched). As you can see this time period was very critical. Now we will speak about the 1837AD

Crime and punishment in the Victorian times.

Beginning with the 1837 AD, the Victorians took over Britain. They slowly developed into towns then cities. Many people began to work in                     factories factoreis. The most common crime was still theft and stealing;however,the most common punishment was transportation. In this punishment people were transported to the corner of Australia. They were transported by ship and it took approximately 8 months. Many people died on the way and some survived. The Victorian’s realised that there was many crimes. Due to this, they made a group of people named police. They saved many people and prevented prevnted crimes. If you committed murder or treason, your punishment would most likely still be death. These could be, getting hanged or getting sent to hard working labour and would probably starve to death. Let’s talk about something different now. Let’s start at the 1901AD.

Crime and punishment in word war 2 time period.

Beginning at the 1901AD. The police force would control the traffic, citizens and even the war. The most common crime would be looting, the crime was committed commited because people had to run and hide from the war above ground. The punishment would be joining the army as the death penalty was stopped. This was a horrible time period to live in. The war was stopped in 1945.

Very well- written report, Andrea.  A good range of sentences with correct punctuation and you have uplevelled key spellings and vocabulary well.