Sacrewell farm

First, at Sacrewell farm, we went to the hall to have a little snack and listen to the instructions about how to stay safe. Then we exited the hall and went to see the alpacas and the peacocks. Following this, we went to see the donkeys and ponies. And then we went to see the goats and there was a peacock right beside the goat barrier. We tried to pet it, but I was nervous about us. We saw a very fat sheep with curly horns. Then we went to the watermill, it was at 4 levels. On the first level, we saw the huge wheel going round and round carrying water, then on the second level, we saw a little game where we put seeds in a grinder and then turn on where the arrow is pointing, and it would make a flower from the seeds. On the third level, there was barely anything so we went to the other final level so we had to resort to a bag of flour, which moves through the little flaps. The steps were steep and some of us went down backwards to make sure we didn’t fall. I thought I was going to die. Then we went pond dipping. Unbelievably, we found three blood worms, a stick beetle and a water scorpion. Afterwards, we went to the shop and I got bouncing putty, but it didn’t last long. We saw a big fat pig and I called it Peppa Pig after that we saw a lazy fat pig and we called it daddy pig. Then we went to the playground for the rest of the day, and then we went back to the hall to have a little break. Finally, we got back on the coach and travelled back to school. I can’t think of 1 best thing. It was all amazing.


First I got to see the scan of my baby cousin Autumn and in my presentation, I forgot to tell you Autumn is due in March 10th I’m soooooooooo exited aah I can’t wait, it’s only 34 days away aaaah eeeee

Early baby

I’m so excited because my cousin might be born today. I went to see my big brother play rugby and after that my cousin Nala and I got to play catch with a rugby ball and that was on Sunday.

My lazy days

First, on Saturday I woke up and went downstairs and opened my mum’s sweets which are Daim. I loved them and today I accidentally ate them all, whoops and my little sis only ate one oops. Umm, so yesterday I said “You my sister you are declared to be my servant now get me cookiessssssssssssssssssssssssss NOW GET IT NOWWWWWWWW ok go”

Yesterday I stayed in my mum’s bed all day playing on my phone.

My weekend

My weekend was the best because I got to see a scan of my baby cousin and because I got to make clothes.

I loved my weekend because my mum told me when my baby cousin is due and my baby cousin is due on March the 5 this year. My baby cousins name is Autumn and it’s a girl. I’m so excited!