My happy weekend 😊

After school on Friday, I went home to get changed because my Nan and her friend Roger were coming to pick me and my little sister, Isla, up for the fireworks.

They were so fun. They came in many different shapes and sizes, we even saw a heart-shaped one.

When we got home me and Isla went onto the sofa and snuggled up in a warm blanket. We watched a few episodes of SpongeBob until we fell asleep.

Saturday morning was fun as we all got ready because we were going out to the rec (Park) for Gala day.

I had a scrumptious chocolate cake and Isla just had a rice crispy cake. Afterwards, we both went on a climbing frame made of rope. Some ropes were wriggly some were as still as a rock.

There were platforms, with swings hanging down and a trampoline in the centre.

I climbed so high and sat on a platform I even did it with my teddy in my hand.

Sunday well… me and Isla felt sick and we were a bit weak, so we both had lots of naps and we had to get in the car because it was just my mum looking after us. We had to go then because she had to pick up a friend and we can’t be home alone.

When we got back home, I watched SpongeBob and had another nap.

!!!The end of my blog!!!


On Saturday l went to Polish school because it was the last day until the summer holidays and after I got changed and we went to the park, and when we got there, I did some gymnastics. On Sunday we went to the playground with a huge slide and I did some more gymnastics because I love gymnastics.

Weekend Fun

At the weekend I took my puppy Harley for a walk at the Hinchingbrooke park and after that, I went to the cinema and then had KFC with Sophia.

On Saturday we went to go see Danny and it was a one-hour drive to Wicksteed Park but Danny was kind and got me a Candy floss a slush puppy jelly beans doughnuts an ice cream and waffles with a little bit of caramel sauce so at the end I had a sugar rush.