Today  I am going to show you how to use and what an apostrophe for possession is . 

An apostrophe for possession is when you give a type of owner ship to something . For example : The dogs bone . Now if we are talking about lots of dogs having one bone then we leave it their but you usually have more than one bone if you are talking about lots of bone because lots of dogs wouldn’t won’t to share a bone because they would have a big fight over it . So if you are speaking about one dogs bone you would write it like this : The dog’s bone , because you are using possession ; owner ship . The owner  of the bone is the dog . 

Let’s do harder one . The station’s trains . The station has trains . The station owners the trains . The owner ship is between the trains and the stations . 

Sometimes people might get mixed up Because you can put them in the wrong place and you might not know if it was for contraction  .  For example : The station’s just over there . This is only for a contraction because this sentence is saying : The station is over there . Not , The station’s over there for possession because in the sentence there is no ownership or anything belonging to the station . If it was : The station’s bike park , then it would be for possession  because the bike park belong to the station .

That ‘s (Contraction ) it for this post but I will soon be making a new one on contractions with will be really fun . Bye !