Last Thursday, there was a very bad storm named:Storm Doris.”It was a catasrophic event !!!” Exclaimed a nearby witness. This hurricane was  quite a big storm that cane from the north up towards England.We asked some wiynesses about what this terribly dangerous hurricane has done to there environment.”It ruined my fence,litrelly it ripped off the whole thing;I had to pay a lot of money to repair it!” “It was terrible;I was scared to get out of my own house!” “It nearly blwe me away!!!”

As you can see these terrible weather conditions have really interupted in people’s peacfull lives, and have made some serious damage.This storm(also known as Storm Doris)was a heavy batch of cold and really strong air that passes by different countries.

Because of this tragic event,one person even died.We interviewed their family and friends and asked how did this storm lead to such a sad event”It was terrible. I couldnt believe that this actually happened!”cried the man’s wife.