Tag Archives: Teamwork

My Morning with The Happy Puzzle Company!!

This morning we went to the pink hall to do puzzles with The Happy Puzzle company.

Activity 1:

Our first activity was the iceberg challenge.The rules are u have a bag of penguins and a ice burg.Then u have to try and balance all the penguins with out making the iceberg tip and all of them fall!The tip was to place to on either side so the weight was equal.

Activity 2:

Our next activity was to make a road with a puzzle that had no dead ends.Then we connected all of the pieces together to make a road!My group found this quite hard but me and Mary didn’t do much because Diana,Brianna and Ayesha would let us do much!So they finally completed it without our help!

Activity 3:

Activity 3 was hexagon shape filler.This activity was you had to fill a hexagon with shapes that were coloured!Our challenge was we had to fill the shape with the coloured bricks!But the same colour can’t touch each other!

Activity 4:

We had to build a castle with blocks and copy a picture to make if we did it right we had to do another one then another one.The last one we did was the trickiest because it showed a block hanging off but we didn’t know how to do it!

Activity 5:

In this final Activity,we had to spin a metal disc and look at the centre of the disc!Then we had to look at the back of our hand and it went all spiny and squiggly!Then we did it again but look at someone’s face and it was so creepy.Then finally we did it again then looked at the celiling and the ceiling looked like it was moving in and out!It was sort of satisfying but creepy.

My Favourite part:

My favourite part was the shape filler because it was working together (teamwork) and it was challenging because u has to try and not make the blocks touch.The women who came in was named Karen.It was also my favourite because it was so colourful!