Tag Archives: 11wiktorias

Puzzle day

On puzzle day we went to the pink hall,where there was a lady waiting for us named Karen, she talked about how we are going to do the puzzles.Karen told us that we had to show great teamwork to finish the puzzles.

We got into groups of six and then started the first puzzle.On the first on we had to put all the penguins on the ice burg,it was tricky because the ice burg was shaking.My group still managed to do it we managed to do it because we showed teamwork.

Then the second puzzle was to build the object from the picture this one was harder than the first one.But we worked as a team and made it through.

We did lots of different ones to and at the end we did an illusion it was really fun.I enjoyed the morning I would love to do it again.But some of the challenges were really hard and we had to think about the puzzles hard.

100 Word Challenge

This story begins on a very touristic island were many people have gone missing. No-one has discovered this mysterious creature.But one day on this island a girl called Ellie traveled from the other side of the country to discover this creature.When she finally got there it was night so she zoomed to the hotel.It seen like she knew that creature then it was the next day she went to explore the building.Ellie searched for hours and she finally discovered something new she took millions pictures until she got IT!The creature was… her long lost…grandma in roller skates and jet-pack?  WHAT!?