Browse Author: 12meganm


On Christmas eve everyone was fast asleep and they where dreaming  about  what they would   get  in the morning, the dad  was dreaming about getting a new bat, the Mum was dreaming  some thing else.

Mog  was  not having a good dream, He was having a nightmare, Mog`s  tail was wagging and the lights was shining ,on Mog face and then he woke and the sun was shining on his face.

Mog was alone on the side and shut the oven door  and then opened  the oven door and singing

 and his fryers  was all  back and his paws  pressed on to nine and the spoon pressed nine.

Then he run and jumped to the ceiling fan and he spinned as he was halding for his der lithch

Mog was on the clock and he was and he clawing the presents   .

Mog was in the middle of the road and the fire man side folw that  cat .

Then the fire man cam with the turked art fo the home and sred it and got the onsn .

The whole stree to help Mog was dreaming at the tree .

FINALLY  Mog got egg