The Iron Man Expert

Dear Hogarth,

You are the Iron Man expert and I need your help! My name is Lucy and I am writing to you because I have seen the Iron Woman! She is as big as a skyscraper and a has a body of rusty chrome metal. Her eyes were gleaming brightly like streetlights.

When the Iron Woman and I went to the river ,out of no where,she touched me. Suddenly ,I heard these weird screams! Then I heard the croak of a frog and the chirps of birds. But they where screaming something!

She also pointed her finger at the river. Then I saw a fiery tunnel in the middle of it. As it was forming , lots of animals came to the top and suddenly burned in a puff of smoke! After that , I saw a little baby come to the top . I burst into tears and  told the Iron Woman to STOP whatever she was doing!

I think that I really , really , REALLY need your help because if you do not come , then the Iron Women will destroy my Dads waste factory!

Yours sincerely ,


Written By 11yasminj

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