
Chiquito trip ??

On Thursday 14th December  2017, we went to a famous restaurant called Chiquitos. 

When we finally arrived at the restaurant we started to get more full of excitement. A lady in the restaurant  called Georgina, asked us to get a nacho so we first  tasted that plain and then next we got another nacho to dip in three different dips. They were all delightful. We made buritos too where we chose our own fillings. The food was great and o would definitely go there again.

When we didn’t go to Burwell!

Hi , today I’m going to tell you what we did at school when some children were at  school and some children were at Burwell . Okay, so the first day in the morning  we did fun times tables with colouring then we  started to read the Christmas Carol and watch the film too. The  Christmas Carol was pretty  cool and a little bit scary with parts that make you jump.

The next  day we  read some more of the story and watched a little bit more of the film. We went in a trip to Chiquito, did Lego coding, played pass the parcel and made Christmas decorations for the school disco. 


Last week on Thursday year 4 went to the Chiquitos restaurant. We walked in pairs of  twos. 

When we got there we made some buritos,  it was really fun. In my one I put rice,chicken,lettuce and cheese as the filling. It was very tasty and yummy! I enjoyed eating it! 

Atthe end of our trip, we got bags and hats but it was time to go. 

Wehad a brilliant time!