How to get a learning license

To get a learning license you need to do more work and also show the school values. The values are respect, pride, courage, teamwork and resilience.  If you show them you will get a learning license.  I am trying to get one because on Tuesday I did more work than I normally do. Some people in year 4 already have a learning license. I hope what I have told you it will help you get a learning license.

My hamster

I love my hamster because it sleeps all day and it runs around. It sleeps in my bedroom it makes lots of noise in the night. I love my hamster so much! I wish I had two because my hamster won’t be lonely in the day or night. Two days later I got a new hamster and I called it Winter. It was the best day ever .


Year 4 teachers by Sarah

In Year 4 we have lots of nice teachers…

Miss Ruff – Class 13

Mrs Timmis – Class 12

Mrs Delaney – Class 11

Miss Valentine – Class 13 and Class 11

Mrs Sewell – Class 12

How To Make 12 Owl Muffins

You will need:- 100 ml  traditional soured cream , 100 grams mascarpone , 2 sachets vanilla sugar , 40 grams cocoa powder  , 24 double chocolate biscuites with white filling  ( oreos ) , 24 brown sugar chocolate confectionery  , 50 grams fine dark chocolate .

Trim some of the Oreos to make ears , beat the vanilla sugar into smaller pieces  , split up the Oreo and then make the filling.  For the 2 eyes , use the brown sugar coated confectionery  for the eyeballs , use the yellow sugar coated  chocolate confectionery  for the beak , attach the chocolate Oreo ears.

Finally eat a chocolate owl muffin.

My Pet Hamster

Pets at home

Here is a link above , to know more information about hamsters.

My pet hamster is named Logan , he is a boy.  He is a Russian dwarf hamster. I got him from Pets At Home . He is a savage, well kind off . I let him go on the bed , on the floor and more . He is soft cute and my favourite hamster yet . I love kissing him because he is very soft and fluffy .

How To Make Cookies

How to make Cookies

You will need:- sugar , flour and butter.  Add as much as you want to make the amount of cookies you want . You can add chocolate , caramel and more.

I would choose a Shape , normally I do star , circle or love heart . Put it in the oven for about 15 or 20 minutes . Take it out wait about 5 minutes and then eat it .


The incredible stem week in year 4

Hi.  My name is Andrea and I am going to tell you all about the amazing fun I have had in Stem Week.

On Monday we all did a padlet as a plan for an irrigation system.We also made some candy floss in the school kitchen.

On Tuesday me and my group went out with Mrs Timmis to learn about sound over distance. Next Mrs Timmis gave some people a stick attached to a wheel. Then Mrs Timmis told me, Ellie and Baker to listen to the sound and watch the iPad show the numbers. We went  back as the wind blew wildly.

On Wednesday we did the actual fair test. Thursday I  did some writing on Edmodo.


Super amazing STEM week

In stem week we got to make cotton candy and we  were able to eat it all up.  We also made  an irrigation system. We had to be in pairs. I was  with Diana and we had to poke holes in the lid. Diana helped me do the holes while Miss Ruff cut the bottom off the bottle and Miss Lane took us outside to plant it in the allotment. We measured decibels and we were outside.  It got louder louder and louder and higher only because year 3 was playing PE. by Matilda.



On Monday (the first day of STEM week),we did lots of fun activities like planning on how to make an irrigation system.

Tuesday was awesome because we made candy floss!! It was made by putting a tablespoon of plain flavoured sugar into a hot tub like thing and it all started flying out around a glass dome with no top!

I liked  Wednesday because we got to draw a picture of an irrigation system and write some interesting sentences about what we were going to need to make it and how we were going to make it.

Thursday was good and we made our irrigation systems. I made mine with Zackarie and Jossin. Zackarie pierced holes in the top of the bottle, I cut the bottom off and Jossin pierced holes in the cap.

Friday the last day of STEM week!

In the morning we did an assembly about the work we had the end of assembly we had to walk around the work to see it. It was amazing!!

We did loads of fun stuff and I was amazed at how quickly the week went!!!

It was really fun and I loved everything about it!!


Irrigation Systems

In stem week we had a great day at school.  We searched and invented the irrigation systems.  And we have a great time. We used a bottle and put holes on the top and we cut the bottom off.  The bottle went outside and we put a hole on the ground and put it in the ground and we put water in the bottle and we enjoyed the day in stem week. We had a nice day. We enjoyed the day so much and had a fun day in the school day we had a great day with Miss Ruff.